Darkest Sin Page 9
I looked down and bit my lip. I didn’t know seeing her would be this hard. Looking at her all I could think of was how amazing she was in bed and how much I missed her.
“It’s been fantastic, but a long hard road to climb. Working 80 to 90 hours a week is grueling. It doesn’t leave time for much else.”
Amber sat quietly next to me sipping her scotch. She looked distinctly uncomfortable.
Veronica took an empty glass and poured a bit of scotch into it.
“No, I guess it doesn’t. You were right about that.”
“So, how is London? I see your firm is doing quite well.”
“Yes, it is. I’m being considered for a senior level position.”
“Doesn’t surprise me. You were one of the top students in our class.”
Veronica’s eyes shimmered with unshed tears. She blinked several times to keep them from spilling out smearing her eye makeup.
“Ash, I’m going to slip out and use the ladies’ room. It was nice meeting you, Veronica.” Amber took her evening bag and hurried off.
“So, how has your life really been? Cold and miserable, I hope.” Veronica’s words turned bitter.
I reached across the table to brush her hand. She snatched it away.
“Ronnie, please. It’s so good to see you. I’ve missed you.”
Veronica laughed.
“I’m sure you have in between fucking your new assistant and all the other beauties who come your way.”
I shook my head sadness filled me as I heard the anger in her voice.
“It hasn’t been like that. Besides, no matter how many women I’ve been with they’re nothing compared to you.”
Veronica held up her hand.
“Oh please, I read the New York society columns. You’re the talk of the town. A handsome, wealthy, eligible bachelor living in a Manhattan penthouse and the newest partner at the biggest investment bank in New York. Every woman must be dying to get you in her bed. I’ve seen the pictures of you in those gossip rags. You always have some gorgeous girl at your side.”
I sighed. It was true. The fucking press wouldn’t leave me alone. Only last week I caught TMZ following me and a date home.
“What does it matter, Ronnie? I wanted to be with you.”
Veronica slammed her hands down on the table.
“No, Ash, you don’t get to do that to me! Not now, not ever. You only wanted me if all I wanted was to be your submissive little fuck buddy!” Her voice was rising and several people turned to look.
“Calm down. That’s not true. I had a lot of feelings for you.”
Veronica shot up from her seat.
“Feelings? That’s what you call them. You’re the coldest, most uncaring man I’ve ever met! The only thing you care about is yourself and your money! Don’t you dare try to placate me by telling me you have feelings for me. The only feeling you have for me is a fucking hard on!”
With that, Veronica tossed the rest of her scotch in my face.
Quickly, I wiped the burning alcohol from my eyes. By now, everyone was watching us and several people were snapping pictures with their phones. Veronica scanned the room full of people staring and she ran for the door.
Racing after her, I barely had time to nod at Amber who was standing near the front door with her mouth agape.
Veronica was standing on the sidewalk trying to hail a cab tears streaming down her face.
“Ronnie!” I grabbed her shoulder.
“You know, I thought I could do this. I thought I could see you and congratulate you and treat you like nothing more than an old boyfriend. But it’s not over. It never will be,” she sobbed.
Pulling her to me, I cradled her in my arms. She sobbed against me for a moment before collecting herself.
“Why don’t I give you a ride back to your hotel?”
She pulled back and waved her hand.
“No, I’m fine. I just want to go back to my hotel. I’m leaving New York tomorrow to fly back to London.” She brought a tissue to her eyes.
“Are you, Ronnie? Couldn’t we go somewhere else and get a drink? I don’t want you to leave like this.”
“Don’t you need to get back to Amber?”
“She’ll understand.”
Veronica gave me a look I’ll never forget. Her heart was so clearly in her eyes. She still loved me.
But I...I didn’t feel anything like that for her.
I reached down again and it just wasn’t there. I cared about her more than anyone but I couldn’t call it love no matter how much I wanted to.
My lips brushed her forehead. She still smelled amazing.
“I see things haven’t changed for you.”
I closed my eyes and shook my head.
She nodded as the cab pulled up to the curb.
“Then I guess this is goodbye, Ash.”
The wind whipped her blonde hair into her face. Tears slid down her face in muddy black streams from her mascara.
“Please let’s have a drink. We can go anywhere you want.” I reached out to brush the tears from her face.
She stood still for a moment allowing my fingertips to brush her soft cheek. Then she grabbed my hand and threw it down.
“I can’t, Ash. If things haven’t changed then there’s no point in me staying.” Veronica pulled open the cab door and jumped in.
The cab pulled away from the curb as I watched it until it disappeared into the sea of traffic.
Remembering the last time I saw Veronica, I actually began to feel nervous about seeing her father. Normally, I never feel nervous. I’m always cool, calm, and collected, but knowing about our breakup his reception of me would surely be chilly to say the least.
I stepped off the elevator and paused in front of the heavy glass doors leading into Ronald James’ offices. They were quite lavish. A set of exquisite original Rodin statues stood in the lobby. As I stopped to admire them, my eyes rested on a set of red Prada heels. My eyes travelled up the luscious lean legs of Ronald James’ secretary.
“Mr. Blackthorne? Are you here to see Mr. James?” The young curvaceous brunette smiled at me.
“Yes, I am. How have you been, Kristin?”
“Very good, Mr. Blackthorne. Let me show you to the conference room.”
I followed her, watching her sexy ass in her tight skirt.
“Thank you, Kristin.” I winked at her and watched as she blushed. She was far too young for me but staring at her ripe curves made me think twice about that.
Placing my briefcase on the long oak table, I took a glass and filled it with water from the pitcher in the center of the table. I admired the view of the New York skyline.
Suddenly, the door flew open. I stood up expecting to see Ronald James with his graying head and his paunchy frame.
Instead, I looked right into the bluest eyes I had ever known.
Her gait was still graceful as an angel’s, her hair like spun gold flowing around her shoulders, her lips ripe and full. I longed to rip her clothes off and take her right there on the conference table. I wanted to hold her and never let her go. My heart thudded in my chest. Was it possible that I could actually feel something for her now? After all this time?
She coolly met my gaze pleased with my shock from seeing her.
“Hello, Ash.”
She wanted to fuck me.
I could feel it in the way she took my hand. After all this time, the heat between us hadn’t dwindled, it had only intensified.
As furious as I was at her, feeling her hand inside mine, I could only think about pulling her into my arms and kissing her until we were breathless, ripping off her clothes with passionate abandon and fucking her right there on the conference room table.
“Ash, it’s good to see you again. I apologize it had to be under these circumstances.”
I released her hand and nodded.
“So am I, Ronnie. I must say I didn’t expect to see you here. I thought I was meeting
with your father.”
“Have a seat. We have a lot of business to discuss.”
I sat down in the closest seat. I eyed her suspiciously. I have never had anyone catch me off guard like this. I was always ready, anticipating my opponent’s next move…but this…
This threw me.
Veronica sat across from me. She looked even more beautiful than I remembered. Her hair was still long and she wore it pulled back from her face. Her suit was a deep blue shade complimenting her eyes. Her lips were full and sensual.
“Yes, we do. So, it’s your father’s company who bought those shares. Why?”
Veronica laughed.
“Why wouldn’t we want Vitalife? The company is going to be worth a fortune soon. How was I to know you were interested in them?”
I slammed my hands down on the table. Water jumped out my glass splashing onto the table. Her eyes widened.
“Fuck, Veronica! You know that Vitalife is behind those clinical trials for the newest cancer drug. You know that my father died three years ago from pancreatic cancer! You know what this means to me. This is more than money.”
Veronica looked down.
“I’m sorry about your father, Ash. He was a kind man and I liked him very much, but business is business as you used to say.”
I glared at her. Rage boiled inside me and I felt it rising in the back of my throat like bitter gall.
“No one else had the information we had on Vitalife. It’s a nothing company about to go out of business unless someone bails them out. I was going to be that somebody. All you’re going to do is sell it off off piece by piece.”
“What makes you think that?”
“Since when do you work with your father? I thought you were in London with Phillips and Hartman?”
Veronica smiled and leaned back in her seat. She looked so smug I wanted to slap her.
“Haven’t you heard? My father is merging with Phillips and Hartman. Of course, that’s not public yet so maybe you haven’t.”
My eyes bulged. I couldn’t believe this was happening. The woman I once adored was now my opponent.
“Look, Ronnie, I don’t care why you’re here or the reasoning behind you buying those shares, but I want you to sell them back to me.”
Veronica shook her head.
“I can’t do that. You see we have a deal in place. One that can’t be broken. I’m sorry to have wasted your time bringing you down here.”
Jumping up I slammed my briefcase on the table. Startled, Veronica jumped back in her chair.
“No, Ronnie, I refuse to accept that. Vitalife means more than just money. They have a promising new drug that can help alleviate the suffering of cancer patients. This is bigger than us. This drug could help so many people. If you buy them out and sell off the company, that drug may never see the light of day. I want to ensure Vitalife’s success by buying them.”
Veronica folded her hands beneath her luscious breasts.
“Hurts doesn’t it Ash, when someone doesn’t do what you want them to do.”
I closed my eyes briefly. So that was it. She was still upset over our breakup ten years ago because I had refused to commit to her.
I snatched my briefcase off the table.
“Ronnie, please. I’m asking you as a friend don’t do this. Sell the shares back to me. Find another company to buy. Look beyond your own feelings.”
Veronica stood up.
“Ash, your words move me to tears really they do. But I can’t sell you back those shares.”
Walking towards the door, I turned back to her.
“You know, I wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt. When I found out your father was involved with this I believed he simply wanted to buy and split up a company. I really didn’t want to believe that this was personal. Well, seeing you here made it personal and you bought the Vitalife shares deliberately knowing that I would be making a move soon. If you’re willing to let innocent people suffer because I wouldn’t commit to you ten years ago, I obviously made the right choice by ending our relationship. Congratulations, Veronica on your partnership with your father. You grew up to be exactly what he is, a bitter, cruel person who only cares about money.”
Veronica’s mouth fell open as I stormed out of the office slamming the door behind me.
Incensed by Veronica, I drove for hours. Tall buildings became houses and houses became countryside as I continued to drive until it was dark.
Tired of driving, I stopped at the first bar I saw. I was on the outskirts of Rochester in some tiny little town.
Pulling my Aston Martin into the parking lot, I saw that the place was packed.
I hesitated a bit before stepping out. This wasn’t the type of place I generally frequented, but tonight I wasn’t in the mood to run into anyone I might know.
I removed my tie and suit coat so I wouldn’t look quite so out of place. I threw the door open and glanced around.
Rock music was blaring from the speakers. The place was filled with smoke. I coughed as I made my way to the bar. Several women eyed me as I sat down.
“Hey city boy, looks like you took a wrong turn.” The bartender smiled at me.
I shook my head.
“No. Just passing through.”
“Whaddya have?”
Normally, I always drank scotch preferably Macallan, but there was no way this place would have it.
“Do you have Johnnie Walker?”
“Sure do.” The bartender quickly poured me a glass.
I took the glass taking a tentative swallow. It wasn’t nearly as smooth as Macallan, but after the day I’d had it would have to do.
Holding my glass, I spun around to survey the rest of the bar. As soon as I turned, I ran into a beautiful young woman. My scotch sloshed out of the glass and spilled all over her tight dress.
“I’m so sorry.” I exclaimed grabbing napkins from the bar trying to blot the liquid from her dress.
She smiled and shook her head.
“It’s fine.”
My eyes drank her in. She was small, slim waist and hips, medium sized breasts, long light brown hair. She was wearing a short pink dress and heels.
I was surprised to see such a hot woman in a place like this. All eyes were drawn to her then to me.
“Can I buy you a drink?” I asked looking down at her cleavage which was still damp from my scotch.
“Well since I’m wearing yours that seems fitting.”
I laughed and signaled for the bartender to bring drinks.
“So what’s a guy like you doing in a place like this? Did you get lost?”
“No, just passing through. I could ask you the same thing. You sure don’t seem like you belong here.”
She seemed offended.
“Well, I was born and raised in this crummy town so if anyone belongs here it’s me. My whole family lives here. So who are you? Some rich New York City businessman out here to hook up with some small town piece of ass?”
I swallowed the rest of my scotch.
“Not at all. I’m from the city, but I’m on my way to Rochester. I thought I’d stop in for a drink, but if you’re too good to talk to me I’ll get back to my scotch.” I turned away from her.
She looked down swirling the scotch in her glass.
“Sorry I was a bitch. What’s your name?”
I turned back to her. I knew that would do it.
“I’m Ash. What’s yours?”
“Ash, that’s different. What’s it short for?”
“After the actor?”
I shook my head. People always assumed that.
“After my father. His name was Ashler. What’s your name?”
“I’m Kimber.”
“So, Kimber, what do you do for a living?”
She slid her hand slowly up her thigh as she stared into my eyes.
“Ash, can we cut the crap? I want to fuck.”
My mouth went dry. I always get the lady I’m after f
or the evening, but ten minutes in was a record.
Was she a—?
Before I could react, she placed her finger on my lips.
“I know what you’re thinking. No, I’m not a hooker. Truth is, I just broke up with boyfriend. I caught him cheating with my best friend. We’d been together for five years. I was feeling lousy so I stopped in for a drink. Thought maybe I’d meet someone. I’ve always had a thing for high powered businessmen.”
She stopped and eyed me up and down. She made me feel so desired, so wanted. Something I desperately needed to feel now, after the day that I’d had.
“You fit the bill.”
“Kimber, I don’t normally fuck a woman within ten minutes of meeting her.” I said seriously.
Thirty minutes, yes. That was twenty minutes further though.
“What do I need to do to convince you?” She asked beguilingly. She began to run her hand up my thigh.
My cock stiffened, and my gaze dropped so that I could peer down her dress. I could see she wasn’t wearing a bra easily. Her tits were about the size of a small grapefruit. Round and ripe for the plucking. They would fit right into my hands.
I grabbed her hand, pulling it from my cock with some hesitation. Damned if I didn’t like the way her fingers felt already, even through my pants. I pulled on her as I stood as well, dragging her toward the restrooms. We only stopped upon finding that they were locked.
“Do it right here.” She moaned as I spun her around and pushed her against the wall in the darkened corridor. The kitchen was right next to us and I could smell the aroma of greasy burgers being fried. The air was thick with cigarette smoke which hung in the air like a fog.
The place was dingy, dirty, and disgusting- but I wanted her right here and now. There was something irresistibly sexy about a woman who knew exactly what she wanted. Something even sexier about the way that she pushed back into me.
And I was going to give it to her better than she’d ever had it before.
I wrapped my hands around her waist and pulled her to me. Her hand reached back to grip my wrist, digging her nails into my skin as she did so. Thrusting her skirt up, I pushed my hand against her panties, finding them already soaking wet and heated to the touch. My fingers found her throbbing clit, pushing against it and stroking it roughly.