Darkest Sin Read online

Page 12

  “Thank you, Veronica.”

  Suddenly, a sick feeling began building in the pit of my stomach. Did she think because of last night we were back together?

  “I can’t tell you how much I appreciate this. But what about your dad? You told me you absolutely couldn’t sell me those shares.”

  “You were right, Ash. I told my father that Vitalife was a good investment. I did it because I knew you would be interested in them. I used something you cared about against you because I was still so angry with you for our breakup. It was wrong, Ash and I’m sorry.”

  Amber and I had suspected that all along.

  “I know. Thank you for telling me.”

  She set her cup down on the table and leaned forward hugging her knees.

  “After last night, I realized you’ve changed. You’re able to give me what I need now.”

  I swallowed hard. This was going to be tough.

  “I’m not sure what you’re getting at, but nothing’s really changed between us. Not yet.”

  Her face went as white as my shirt. Slowly, she nodded.

  “I know, but there’s a chance. That’s all I wanted. I know we’re not officially back together yet, but there’s a glimmer of hope for us. Despite what you’re saying, I felt it last night. You’re different.”

  Was I different? Maybe she was right. I didn’t know and didn’t want to think about that right now.

  “Maybe so. I’m not ruling anything out right now.”

  Veronica walked over to me brushing a kiss across my forehead.

  “I have to get to the office. Thanks for a great night. I’ll have Megan send over the papers once everything is ready. I won’t be seeing you for a bit as I have some other affairs to attend to. I hope that’s okay.”

  I grabbed her and pressed my lips to hers.

  “Thank you, I look forward to seeing you again.”

  With that, she left the study to gather her things. I walked over to the window to watch her leave.

  I’d gotten exactly what I wanted so why wasn’t I happy? This was one for a professional to figure out. I needed to talk to Amber.



  As soon as I got into the office, Amber was already standing there with a sly grin on her gorgeous face. Her blonde hair was curled softly atop her shoulders. Her tight pencil skirt was belted at the waist, emphasizing her perfect hourglass figure.

  “Ash, you look particularly satisfied with yourself this morning. How was last night?” She followed me into the office.

  I sat down at my desk and began shifting through papers.

  Amber pulled a package from behind her back.

  “Looking for this?”

  Quickly, I opened the envelope which I knew contained the papers from Veronica.

  “So how did you get her to do it?” Amber sat across from me swinging her high heel from her foot.

  “How do you know what was in that envelope? Do you have x-ray vision too?”

  She shook her head smiling.

  “No. I just know you is all.”

  I sighed glancing over the papers and tossing them down. The day was overcast making my office unusually dark.

  Staring at me intently, Amber leaned forward in her chair. Her breasts strained against the fabric of her light pink blouse. She narrowed her eyes.

  “You didn’t tell her you loved her, did you?”

  “No, nothing like that. I did as you advised I opened up to her about my past. She seemed to respond to that. We spent the night together.” I replied skimming over the most intimate details.

  “So after a hot night she just gives in and sells you the shares?” Amber asked with skepticism.

  “Seems that way.”

  Amber detected doubt in my voice.

  “You think there’s something more to it?”

  I shrugged picking a piece of lint from my jacket.

  “Well, she talked this morning about me being a changed man and that’s why she was selling the shares back to me.”

  “Do you think she thinks you’re in love with her now?”

  I rubbed the back of my neck.

  “Maybe. Then she said she knew we weren’t back together but that at least it was a possibility. I never said it was.”

  Amber rubbed her hands together.

  “Ah, I see. So you’re afraid she’s giving you these shares in exchange for a commitment from you.”

  “Pretty much.”

  “And you’re not ready for that.”

  “No.” I shook my head vigorously.

  At least I didn’t think so.

  “And you’re concerned that by sharing your personal struggles with her and then sleeping with her you may have given her false hope?”

  “You got it.” Amber was so damned smart.

  “Now you want me to tell you what you should do.”

  I looked at her gratefully.

  “Would you, please, Amber?”

  She shook her head.

  “No, Ash, I won’t. I never told you to sleep with her. I told you to explain why you felt like you did years ago. That’s it. I don’t know exactly what happened between you two last night, but I do know that by opening up emotionally to a woman then sleeping with her she may misinterpret your actions as having more meaning than they do.”

  I was lost.


  “Look, all I know is that women attach a lot of importance to disclosure of emotions by men. We know you all hate to do it so when you do, we realize it’s an important moment. She may have gotten the impression that by being intimate emotionally then physically you were telling her that you may be able to love her now.”

  “Amber, I understand that, but what do I do about it?”

  “I’m not sure. I think you need to figure that out for yourself. You know her I don’t. All I know is I don’t feel comfortable discussing this further. If you’ll excuse me, I’ll go attend to my real job.” With that, Amber walked back to her desk leaving me with my mouth open.

  I shouldn’t have put Amber in that position in the first place, but I was frustrated as hell with both her and Veronica. Since when did sex equal a relationship? I’d been with many, many women and had never promised them a thing. Generally, it had never really been a problem. Granted, Veronica and I had been in a relationship ten years ago, but I never told Veronica I wanted to be with her like that again.

  Then again, I never said I didn’t.

  Maybe that was it.

  I shook my head to clear it. I didn’t have time to worry about emotional turmoil right now, I needed to get these papers to Jeremy.

  With the envelope from Veronica in my hand, I walked into Jeremy’s office. He was bent over in a crazy position with his ass in the air.


  “Jeremy, what the hell?”

  This wasn’t the first time I’d caught him doing yoga in his office. As usual, he looked absurd. What made it even more ridiculous was that he did it while wearing his suit and tie.

  “Oh, hi, Ash. I’m doing my morning yoga. Give me a few.”

  I sighed deeply slapping the envelope on his desk.

  “Jeremy, your yoga can wait.”

  He continued to hold his position.

  “No, it can’t. I’m almost finished. Whatever you’ve got there can wait.” He insisted. Then he began humming an “Om” sound.

  Oh, my God.

  “Jeremy, I’m going to count to three then kick you right in the ass if you don’t stop now. I’ve got big news.”

  “OMMM-OMMM,” he hummed.

  “I’m serious, Jeremy.”

  “Can’t hear you. Busy now.” With that, he resumed humming.

  “One, two…”


  “Three. You asked for it, Jeremy.” I gave him a swift kick in the ass sending him flying face first into the carpet.

  “Ash! What the fuck?” He flew up from the floor his face bright red with anger.

  “What the
hell was so important it couldn’t wait?”


  I grabbed the envelope and shoved it in his face.

  Angrily, he ripped open the envelope. His chest was heaving with rage, but his eyes lit up as he read the words.

  “Ash, oh my God! You did it!” His rage quickly evaporated as he beamed at me.


  I shrugged.

  “Can’t give all my secrets away, but it’s done. Veronica had her father released the shares this morning. I’ve already bought them. Vitalife is ours for the taking.”

  “My father is going to be so thrilled to hear this. You just made us millions!”

  “Eight hundred million, to be exact.” I couldn’t stop smiling. Vitalife was more than an acquisition to me. I was anxious to get them back on schedule producing the drug that could help alleviate cancer victims’ pain.

  “Yes, yes, yes!” Jeremy spun around squealing like a little girl clapping his hands together.

  “One more thing.”

  He was already reaching for his phone to call his father.

  “What, Ash?”

  “Be sure that Vitalife gets back into production on that drug ASAP. There’s a lot of people who need it. Do whatever it takes.”

  Jeremy nodded and began dialing.

  I pressed the hang up button.

  “I mean it, Jeremy. Otherwise all this work was for nothing. That’s why I did this. Not just for the money.”

  “Your father. I get it. Of course, Ash.”

  “What about Grayson? I told him he was out. You need to have our attorneys look over the contracts.”

  “Already done. I had our attorneys find a loophole in the contract. They’re out. We are now the sole owners of Vitalife.”


  “And by the way, Ash, thank you.” Jeremy smiled at me in a rare gesture of gratitude.

  I waved my hand at him.

  “When you get to the top, don’t forget who made you.” I answered back with one of our favorite phrases.

  “Yeah, yeah. Close the door on your way out.”

  I couldn’t stop smiling the rest of the day. I told Amber to take the rest of the day off and I cancelled my afternoon meetings.

  Racing to the airport, I caught an evening flight to Vegas. Deciding to mix business with pleasure. I wanted to check out the strip club I owed while celebrating my latest conquest.

  The Diamond Cabaret sat on Las Vegas’s famous strip. Some of the most beautiful dancers in the world worked at my club. The level of attractiveness of the dancers at the Diamond Cabaret was said to be so high it was advised to would-be recruits “Don’t even bother auditioning the Diamond unless you’ve been in Playboy, Penthouse or Maxim.”

  The stretch limo I’d commissioned pulled up to the VIP entrance. Celebrities were regular customers here and the paparazzi was always lurking about trying to capture one on camera. Being the owner, I was somewhat of a celebrity myself, but I tried to maintain a low profile from the media.

  Walking inside, I was greeted by several beautiful dancers all in various stages of undress. It was Friday night and the club was packed with a variety of patrons. My two favorite dancers, Kayla and Kyrie greeted me. They were incredibly gorgeous, with amazing figures and had both worked for me for the past five years. They were actresses and had obtained bit parts in big Hollywood movies. Their careers were taking off, but they still found time to dance, particularly when they knew I was coming to Vegas.

  “Well, hello there Mr. Blackthorne. It’s been so long since we’ve seen you.” Kayla, who was clad in a rhinestone studded bra and G string, threw her arms around me. I could feel her breasts pressed against me. Her long light brown hair fanned out as I spun her around. I ran my hand over her tight toned abs then around to her firm ass smacking it.

  “You look gorgeous, Kayla. How have things been for you? I saw you in that movie last month. Terrific job. I’m sure you’ll be getting starring roles soon enough.”

  She laughed as Kyrie jiggled over to join us. Her breasts bouncing out of her tight red satin push up bra, Kyrie was a vision of heaven. Her honey colored hair was long and silky hanging to brush the tops of her breasts. Her legs were long and went on forever. She was tanned and toned, looking as beautiful as always.

  “What about me, Mr. Blackthorne? Or have you forgotten that hot night we spent in the penthouse suite at the Mandarin?” Kyrie’s full luscious lips turned down in a pout.

  I pulled her into my arms feeling her tight body pressed against mine.

  “You’re getting more handsome every time I see you, Mr. B. Feels like you’ve been working out more.” She ran her hands over my dress shirt then to my cock.

  “Things are definitely looking up.” I grinned as her hand stroked me through my pants.

  “Ladies, why don’t you find a few friends and join me upstairs? I told Hal to get the hot tub running for us.”

  “Ohhhh...the VIP one? The last time we used that was when Leo came to town!”

  I laughed.


  “Ah, Kayla, after the movie you’re on a first name basis with him? See I told you that bit part would get you noticed.”

  She laughed and shook her head holding her tits in her hands.

  “I think it was my DD’s that got him to notice!”

  “They are incredible. Can’t blame the guy for great taste.” I reached out and squeezed her firm breasts.

  I left the girls to find a few friends as I checked out the rest of the club. It was doing extremely well financially and had been an excellent investment. Most people think that all strip club owners are sleazy, low class guys trying to exploit all the dancers, but with me, that’s not the case. I had only enjoyed the company of a few of the dancers and I was one of the few club owners who offered healthcare and paid time off for the dancers. I wanted the girls to feel appreciated and definitely not exploited. When a few of the girls got too old to dance, I offered them lucrative office positions in one of my other companies. One of the women left the club to obtain her degree in business management and worked for me back in New York in a high level financial position.

  Upstairs, seven beautiful women including Kayla and Kyrie were waiting for me in the hot tub. It was a unique design made especially for my club. The tub itself accommodated a dozen people and it was built into the floor. Silver buckets of champagne were set all around and a special bottle of Macallan 25 was waiting for me with one crystal glass and a Cohiba Behike cigar.

  Surrounded by gorgeous women sipping champagne, I quickly shed my clothes. One of the new girls, a sexy redhead named Ginger eyed my muscular chest.

  “Wow, Mr. Blackthorne, the girls all told me how handsome you were, but I must say I didn’t believe them. Until now, that is.” She blushed as she stared at me.

  I winked at her and sank into the hot tub. The warm water enveloped me as I reached over to grab my Scotch.

  “Here, let me Mr. Blackthorne.” Ginger filled my glass with the expensive scotch. Another girl with raven black curls lit my cigar for me.

  “Thank you, ladies. Please get in and enjoy the water with me.”

  Without further instruction, the ladies all shed their tiny tops and bottoms and slid into the water.

  The room was beautifully decorated to resemble a Roman bath. The walls were done in light brick and the floors were white marble. Recessed lighting edged the brick walls and there were several tropical plants added to offset the coldness of the brick and marble. There were three small waterfalls pouring into the tub giving it a Hugh Hefner grotto feel. The hot tub could be turned off and the tub used as a small swimming/soaking pool as well. The VIP hot tub room was designed for only the most elite clients. Very few customers could afford the $10,000 price tag that allowed them sole access to the room for four hours including the ladies of their choice to join them.

  Leaning back, I sipped my scotch as the ladies shared the latest Vegas gossip with me. I inquired how the new girls enjoy
ed working at the club.

  “This job is a dream come true for me, Mr. Blackthorne,” said a petite brunette with bright green eyes and enormous breasts.

  “I was waitressing for a year at the Palamino Hotel bar when Kyrie came in for a drink. She told me I should audition here. I told her I didn’t want to be just another Vegas stripper. I was here to work and save money so that I could go to film school.”

  Intrigued by her story, I nodded. Most girls who come to Vegas want to be actresses not film directors.

  “Kyrie assured me that your club wasn’t just some ‘strip joint’, but a real gentlemen’s entertainment club. She told me the money was phenomenal and the customers here included many celebrities and well connected people.”

  “As you can see that’s all true.” I smiled at Kyrie. She winked back as she caressed the brunette’s tits.

  “It absolutely is, Mr. Blackthorne. To be honest, I didn’t believe much of what Kyrie told me before I came here, but she was so insistent.” She giggled as Kyrie kissed her deeply.

  My cock began to harden immediately watching the two gorgeous ladies kiss and caress each other. I’d enjoyed scenes like this many times and it never failed to arouse me.

  “I was so nervous before my audition. Word on the strip is that to get hired here you have to have been in Penthouse, Playboy, or Maxim.”

  I shook my head.

  “I’m flattered people are saying that. But it’s not true. If a girl is right for the job, then that’s all that’s required. This club was designed for a high-end clientele. My customers enjoy a wide variety of girls. All races and sizes. Looking around you can tell that many of the customers prefer a slender or athletic look. Many of the customers including myself adore women with small waists and firm full breasts. But just as many like a smaller chest or women with a firm, full ass. To each their own. I want the customers to feel that our ladies make their fantasies come true.”

  She smiled as Kyrie continued to tug on her tiny pink nipples.

  “Anyway, I’ve done a little modeling, bikini work mostly, but I’ve never been in any men’s magazines. Seeing all the beautiful women in here made me so nervous, but Kyrie and the other girls put me at ease. I did a quick dance to ‘Porn Star Dancing’ which Kyrie said was one of your favorites. They hired me on the spot. That was six months ago and I’ve made more money in that time then I made in two years at my last full-time job. I was up here a few months ago when Leo came to Vegas and he was the nicest guy! He gave me several names of people to call about film school and I’m happy to tell I was accepted for next fall at USC!” She clapped her hands excitedly.